Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Hours

As we continue to look for ways to cut expenses while not sacrificing customer service, we have decided to try "Summer Hours" at a few of our locations. We are finding that afternoon's and specifically Tuesday afternoon's are a very quiet time. Our 2ND round of deliveries departs at 11:00 AM, customer calls have been made and with almost no customers or customer calls coming in we need to manage wages. 

Our plan is to close one hour earlier (2:00 PM) everyday except Tuesday when we will close at 12:00 PM. Of course all customers will be informed of this change and we make sure customers have  our mobile phone numbers in case of an emergency or to place a last minute order for the next days early delivery. We plan to do this from June 15 - September 30. Will let you know how it turns out. If you have ideas or comments please share them with me.

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