Monday, October 5, 2009

Signs of Recovery?

September sales are in the book and without allowing myself to get too optimistic, we see some "bottoming out" of sales declines and we achieved sales increases in a few branches. What welcome news! While attending the recent SAF convention I had to opportunity to compare notes with many people from all across the country from all floral industry segments. Many told me that they too were seeing an uptick in business. Granted not a big uptick but an uptick none the less. I am glad we can say we are seeing the same. I hope you are too.

Today I heard on the radio that unemployment is still pushing 10%. Is it wrong to think that also means 90% of people are employed? I am tired of feeling beaten down by the recession and I have gotten to the point where I think it is time to take action in my life and my company. and CPF are going to take a new approach. I think we got away from setting goals and working a strategy to achieve them and we just rode the downturn and excused our year of less than stellar performance because of "the economy". Done with that. Our goal for the last 3 months of 2009 is to return to sales growth. We are again setting goals and working strategies to get there! Yea!

I hope that you too are deciding to take this situation by the horns and change what you are doing if it needs changing. I wish you much luck and good energy for your efforts.

1 comment:

Don Coleman said...

I agree. There have been great days recently where everyone is hopping and then days where we all are looking at each other.

This just reinforces my belief that this is a crisis of confidence. Information, or the lack of it, is driving consumer decisions in multiple directions.

Since our last economic downturn, 3 billion consumers have matured as an economic force. Even the US buying habits this past year have us replacing our cars once every 22 years and our homes every 100+ years.

We have gone from irrational exuberance to irrational pessimism.