Thursday, March 4, 2010

Heading to Washington DC to attend SAF Congressional Action Days!

I leave tomorrow morning for Washington DC. I will spend time in Government Relations committee meetings over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday I am going to participate in SAF Congressional Action Days (CAD). I have been going to CAD for many years and the experience has been so good for me and my company. I have become educated on some of the most important business issues of the day and I get the chance to talk face to face with my legislators about them. That's how democracy works. You have the right and responsibility to talk to your representatives and help them understand how issues effect you and your business. Believe me, your legislators need to and want to hear directly from you. Your real life, first had experience is important for them to hear. It's the only way you can have any influence over the outcome you will have to live with.

I look forward to meeting up with many friends there...some retailers, wholesalers, growers and SAF staff. Another benefit of CAD!

I hope that wherever you are, you are finally starting to thaw out from a long cold snowy winter. I hear it is going to be in the 50's in DC. For me it will be like a heat wave! Have not felt the 50's for months.

If you are reading this and are coming to CAD, safe travels and see you soon. If not, I hope you will consider it for next year.

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